HEart Math Solution
(adapted from Childre and Martin and Finding Quiet by Moreland)
Step 1. Freeze Frame Negative Thought
Identify an anxious or depressing thought that keeps going around in your head. (pause) Now Imagine the thought covering a whole page like a slide then freeze frame it and put it aside entirely out of sight.
Step 2. Refocus on your Heart
Now get in a comfortable position and try to relax your entire body. Then shift your focus onto your physical heart - the core of your being. Place your hand over your heart to help draw attention to that area. Then, as you breathe imagine you are breathing in and out of your heart. (pause) Proverbs 4:23 Tells us that from your heart flows the wellsprings of life.
Step 3. Identify a Positive Image and Emotion
Next, recall a life giving experience, or image that brings up a positive emotion like joy, love or peace (pause) Now let the emotion that goes with that image dwell in and entirely fill your heart. Continue to breathe and relax with your hand over your heart area.
Step 4. Disintegrate The Negative Thought
While holding the positive emotion in your heart, return to the freeze frame and visualize the negative thought disintegrating piece by piece into your heart. Imagine that each tiny piece is being swallowed up by the positive emotion that has filled your heart. (pause)
Step 5. Gain a Heart Perspective
Next, Listen to your heart. What is your heart saying? (pause) Now let this new thought fill your heart and your whole being while you tap alternately on either side of your legs. (pause) Finally create a mental slide with this new thought.
Proverbs 3: 5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding..
Coming to Jesus as a Child
(Adapted from Imaginative Prayer for Youth Ministry, Mark 10: 13-16, Luke 18:15-17)
Get in a comfortable position, begin to take slow, deep breaths, and try to relax your entire body.
It’s late afternoon. You’re a young child standing off to the side of a large group of grown-ups. It’s hot and dusty; the sun is beating down on your face. You’ve been there for hours. There are no other children nearby, and you feel alone.
There’s an ache inside you, a need to be seen and held and loved. It’s been there a long time, it’s the real reason you can’t seem to leave. that lonely pain deep inside you lessens as you watch the man in the middle of the crowd. You can’t stop looking at Him and listening to His voice. It’s deep and gentle, and his eyes are kind. Jesus is his name.
In The Storm With Jesus
(Adapted from Imaginative Prayer by Jeannie Oestreicher and Larry Warner)
Get in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Then tap alternately on either side of your legs as you imagine this scene.
Jesus takes a place in the back of the boat, grabs something for his head and lies down. As you and the disciples continue across the lake, you begin to feel the force of the wind picking up. You notice the waves are beginning to build in height and intensity. As the waves continue to grow they start crashing into the boat, causing huge amounts of water to come in.
You look at the faces of the disciples: Peter, Andrew, James and John, fishermen who grew up on this lake. You see fear in their eyes and hear panic in their voices. “Start getting some water out of the boat!” they shout. Your mind is racing, fear is rising and gaining more and more control over you as each wave crashes into the boat, bringing with it more water.
You suddenly remember Jesus - man of God, powerful, caring, concerned, and involved. You turn to see him seeking to draw strength, courage, and hope from him, but Jesus is sleeping while you and the disciples face certain death! Anger begins to rise up within you. Doesn’t Jesus care? Your fear begins to turn to panic.
However instead of allowing anger, fear and panic to consume you, you decide to go toward Jesus. Carefully crawling on your hands and knees, you slowly make your way over to Him.
Wave after wave crashes over the boat almost sweeping you over the side, but you somehow are able to make your way closer and closer to Jesus, fixing your eyes on his peaceful face. As you get close to Jesus, you see him open one eye and beckon you over. You finally reach him and settle down next to him.
The storm rages on and the waves crash, tossing the boat high in the air one minute and submerging it beneath to water the next. The boat is taking on more and more water, the sprays of the waves land on you, demanding that you be consumed by your situation. But instead of panic, you notice a peace welling up within you. The others are still rushing around frantically, overcome by fear and panic. The circumstances remain the same, but you’re with Jesus, and Jesus is with you.
Spend the next few minutes next to Jesus. What do you say to Him? What does he does He say to you. What does He do? Take some time.