Our Relationship with God: Sermon by Ger Jones from Vintage Church: Where is God in our Suffering, The God Conversation by J.P. Moreland and Tim Muehlhoff, Creative Prayer Exercises (See navigation of this website.) More Than a Carpenter by Josh and Sean MacDowell, Immerse: The Reading Bible (Messiah) by Tyndale, Imaginative Prayer For Youth Ministry by Warner and Oestreichner
Prayer/ Spiritual Warfare: Bondage Breaker by Neil Anderson, Upper Dogs by Sarah Theissen, *Spiritual Warfare Prayer
Managing Your Thoughts: Mindspace App., **Negative Thought Worksheet (adapted from The Feeling Good Handbook by David Burns and Mind over Mood by Padesky and Greenberger),
Meaning and Purpose/ Helping others: The Healing Power of Doing Good, Luks & Payne, Habitat For Humanity
Music: Dan Allender- How Music Heals Trauma in the Brain - You Tube, Your Brain on Music (TED talk by Alan Harvey), Music Therapy for PTSD - You Tube
Light Therapy: Feel Bright Light Visor - Amazon
Hormone Therapy: Bodylogic MD, Susan Samueli Integrative Health Institute
MTHFR: (Genetic defect that impedes detoxification thereby contributing to depression and other disorders.) Dr. Ben Lynch
Exercise: Healthy Brain, Healthy Life by Wendy Suzuki, The Brain-Changing Benefits of Exercise, (TED talk by Wendy Suzuki), ***Exercise Mood Log, Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and The Brain by John Ratey, Depression Bootcamp/ Freedom from Anxiety and Depression by Mike Marino
Doing productive things with your hands: Effort Driven Rewards Lifting Depression by Dr. Kelly Lambert, Mike Mahler podcast with Dr. Kelly Lambert- episode 17
Creativity -Brené Brown TED talks and books, Pickett’s Pearls (
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing) Finding Quiet by J.P. Moreland, any of Dr Laurel Parnell books esp. Tapping In to learn resource tapping. Referrals for EMDR therapists C.I.F.T, Parnell Institute
*Very good intercessory prayer that speaks of the authority and power of Christ.
**Click below to thoroughly process and balance your negative thoughts on this Cognitive Worksheet (adapted from The Feeling Good Handbook by David Burns and Mind over Mood by Padesky and Greenberger),
***Click below to view or download an exercise mood log that you can use to track each time you exercise if your mood (depression level) goes up and your stress (anxiety level) goes down.